Shop & Swap NYC 2014

by Jamila Pierre

The night before the Shop & Swap event, I drank just enough to make me want to go absolutely nowhere the next day. I seriously considered not going to the event even though I made plans to go the moment the invites were dropped. 

I went to the Shop & Swap last year and purchased just a few things, one of which I've worn so often it's borderline ridiculous. So you know I had to take my ass to this one, I owed it to my closet. 

As groggy and over it as I was feeling, I dragged my ass to my closet, picked out and outfit, and proceeded to get ready....then I spent a good hour reconsidering my outfit choice...DAMN IT!

I really hate when that happens.

I just wanted something that was comfortable for the amount of standing I was about to do and for how shitty I was feeling, but none of my clothes were whispering sweet nothings in my ear. 

My husband told me point blank, "If you don't get your ass up out of this bed...", cause that's where I was at this point...feeling sorry for myself and being a drama queen that was considering not going any more, 


I told him I just needed to close my eyes for a moment and wait for the call to prayer, which in this case was more like the call to my closet, or the call to a damn outfit. And at that moment, with the breeze from my window, a whisper was heard, and it came from my dresser. It said, "Jamila, forget the closet, we have everything you need right here within these drawers."

So I pulled out my leopard pants, my grenade Tee, some pyramid boots, and my 3/4 inch sleeved jacket. I threw on some accessories and kept it pushin'. 

And what better way to look like you care, like you aren't feeling like a steaming hot pile of doodoo, than to paint your lips red?

So there you have it, outfit on deck....CHECK!

Hair a little unkempt because that's my life, but at least it wasn't too horrible...CHECK!

Lips on deck....CHECK!

What I'm Wearing:

  1. Jacket from Conway circa many moons ago. $5
  2. T-shirt from $17
  3. Pants from $19.80
  4. Boots from $15 (from $42)
  5. Jewelry from Burlington Coat Factory. $5-$7

And then I was off to the event, determined to get at least one thing.

I ended up getting to the place an hour early, then realized I had left my business cards, and having what seemed like the slow rise of a headache empire...Great! All I knew was that if I didn't make away with something....I was gonna do the dead-mans-float in the middle of traffic, right there on Park Ave. South.

I decided to peruse Duane Reade for a good half hour while I called everyone I could to let them know what an absolute dunce I was to have left my cards.

By 12:40PM I went upstairs to where the event was being held, and shortly after a group of of us were let in to let the "shopping games" begin.

{The images below were captured just before people really started rolling in: Click images to make larger.}

{And these were some of the table set ups of the merchant bloggers: Chante, Kellie, Nicolette, Margie, and Liz. Click images to make larger.}

{These were some of the tables set up by the sponsoring companies: Fashion To Figure, Modcloth, Asos, and SimplyBe.}

Not to mention all the contests and freebies these companies were having....TWAS CRAY! 

And of course what would top the afternoon off other than a "photo booth" section off to the side where you can have your photo taken, with a table full of props that you could include in your photo, and have your photo instantly? {Click image to make larger}

{Just some camera phone #selfies with two of the merchant bloggers of the afternoon: Click image to make larger.}

As Poopious Maximus as I felt, I was entirely too please I dragged my ass out, and at the end of the day, I made out like a bandit. I bought a Mynt1792 quilted pencil skirt from Kellie for $30....ummmmm....hellooooooo....can someone say steal? I bought a cute bird-print cardigan from Forever21, from Chante, for $5. And I purchased Nadia's calendar for $10 to support the cause. Also, Simplybe allowed everyone to take home free merchandise if we took a photo with it and posted it onto instagram.....#WINNING!

By the time I got home I was ready to pass the hell out and as I took off all my sassy flyness and slipped into my homely Winnie the Pooh T-shirt, and proceeded to watch Medium on Netflix, I patted myself on the back for all the great finds of the day and with the help of SimplyBe, being able to take home a $165 dress for the low low price of FREE DOLLARS and FREE CENTS!

-The End-

Pink Seahorse.

by Jamila Pierre

What could be more nautical, without being super literal, than a cardigan with mini seahorses on it...? I paired this cardigan with my rosette skirt as to not be a walking nautical sign, and I wore my Target sandals because I just felt like showing maximum leg and foot.


Can I also express my love for this little purse from Rainbow???!!!


What I'm Wearing:

  1. Cardigan from $15
  2. Necklace from $5
  3. Skirt from Forever21. $19.80
  4. Sandals from $18