by Jamila Pierre

I thought I'd give you some Island of Dr. Moreau realness in this post, just a hybrid of beautiful and amazing creatures. 

I got this cute little headband for liiiiike less than five bucks in this rose gold and in black, #winning. I thought it suit the look over all and added just the right amount of whimsy and shimma shimma.

Now let's discuss this here dress. 

I am in absolute LOVE with it! I first saw it when Glitterandblazers on Instagram hauled it in a YouTube video. I paused the video and immediately went to and gotz ta searching for it. was completely sold out, a few weeks later I heard the call of the dress and thought I'd give the search one more go. Amazingly, the dress was there in-stock again in every size, in all its animal print know I bought that bitch right?

It has everything you could look for in a dress without pockets; pizzazz (some ZAZAZOO), comfortability, special details (like the slight eyelash lace and the squiggle stitch), and a remarkable ability to make you feel like the baddest with little to no effort.

Straight Bodak Yellow Feels.

What I'm Wearing:

  1. Headband from Rainbow. $2-$4 (Something cute that'll go with the other alternatives below, HERE)
  2. Necklace from Forever21. $6
  3. Suedette moto jacket from $20 (On Sale, similar HERE that best matches the alternate color of the dress)
  4. Dress from $40 (On Sale, similar HERE in a different color...but don't buy em' all up because I want one in this color too, LOL)
  5. Bracelet from the wholesale district. $5
  6. Boots from $30 (On Sale)


by Jamila Pierre

The shit that happens varies from person to person, but it most certainly takes place for everyone. Trying to push past said shit is/can be the tough part; some things like to linger to make sure you get a good whiff of it, and other times it's just a slight stench. Regardless of what kind of shit you're dealing with, do all that you can to get on the other side of it, reach for that bed of flowers no matter how long it takes. Don't let anyone dictate to you how long you should wallow, how long something hurts, how long it takes to get out of the heaping steaming pile....just do it, get through it, do it for you and your sake. 

I'm pretty vocal and open about some of the stuff I've been going through, but there is so so so much more, and I'm putting forth the effort to acomplish at least one achievement a matter how small, it's the way I'm choosing to deal with all of the shortcomings I have that I can't really control. 

Let's be clear, you set the standard for yourself no one else, and you decide what is an accomplishment (even if it's just getting out of bed for the day or taking a walk), especially if you're chronically ill, take those small victories where you can and try your hardest to be your own cheerleader.

And yes, there are days (even weeks) where though I set out to accomplish one thing....I've accomplished nothing (not even getting out of bed...I'm just a blanket burrito) and the guilt and shame sets in, but I'm constantly trying to dig myself out of that habit that has so been ingrained in us by society. I have to remind myself that I'm only human and it's okay NOT to be okay.

This necklace that my homie handmade for me as a birthday gift is a constant reminder, shit does in fact happen, and just like the act of taking the necklace can get out of what ever hole you're in, it may not always be easy but it is attainable (even if you have to army crawl your way to the flowerbeds).

As for the outfit, it's a prime example of not having to spend arms and legs to look fly. Just look below and take the tally. 

What I'm Wearing:

  1. Sunnies from Hottopic. $5 (On Sale)
  2. Shit Happens necklace handmade by my homie Evee. $Priceless (Gifted)
  3. Bomber jacket from $20
  4. Tank top from Rainbow. $7
  5. Skirt from Forever21. $5 (On Sale, similar HERE)
  6. Bracelet from the wholesale district. $5
  7. Flats from Urbanoutfitters, circa 10yrs ago. $12 (On Sale)