How To Printed Pants: Lady Bug

by Jamila Pierre

I'm in love with this black and white bird print button down shirt I purchased at the Shop & Swap held by The Fatshion Insider, Ms. Kellie Brown. When I saw it I just knew it needed to become a part of my wardrobe.

This is yet another example of me mixing prints based of the advice given on one of my most recent blog posts, "How To: Mixed Prints", and I feel like this is a perfect example of mixing prints for the slightly, emphasis on the word "slightly", more conservative folks out there looking to integrate the mixing of prints into their style arsenal.


What I'm Wearing: 

  1. Black Shades from Soho. $5
  2. Black and White top from the Shop and Swap. $15
  3. Red and Black pants from $24.80
  4. Black kitten heels from $27.80
  5. Jewelry from varying places in the city. $2.50-$10


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