Do you have an outfit that no matter what consistently brings all of the boys to the yard, If so what's yours?
For me, oddly enough, it's my knee high tan Forever21 boots that I got two years ago for $26, my black studded hooded sweatshirt, grey jeans that I also got from Forever21 for $22.80, my black Rasta hat a friend of mine made for me, and my trusty camo jacket that was gifted to me for my twentieth birthday from an army navy store on the lower east side of Manny Hatty.
It's my ultimate "I'm just not in the mood to be a girl" outfit, that borders bum... but doesn't at the same time. I also consider it to be my feminine, thug inspired, version of a camo jacket and Timberland boots, and with all this seemingly carefree/ ruffian garb... I still manage, without fail, to bring all the boys to the yard. Funny right? And trust me I've dissected this time and time again, conducting many mini monologues, trying to understand why my yard is so jam packed with boys when I wear this outfit.
These are just two of the possible reasons I've come up with:
1. Maybe I'm giving off that "I'm relatable", "maybe we can watch the game together", type of vibe; like a boys girl that can have fun, get dirty, hang with the guys, and at the end of the day look nothing like the hooligan once portrayed earlier in the day.
2. maybe I look attainable, like they could get my number with minimal risk of being shot down and having their ego demolished for the day, because though I look cute...I look like I'm not too into my looks, which would make it harder for them to imagine having even a tenth of a chance with me (Little do they know).
Either way, and for whatever reason, boys remain in my yard when I whip this "little number" out. To each his own right?
All in all, it just goes to show you that the best outfit to where is the one you feel great in, to which you're comfortable and not perpetrating someone you aren't. Everyone is different and appreciates different aesthetics, men and women alike, so go out there and wear what speaks to you and I promise that even though you won't like all the boys in your yard, you will have plenty to choose from.