So here's a little back story on theses products...
I'd been using this brand (more specifically the twisting butter and gel) for years, YEARS! Honestly I've used most all of their hair products at one time or another to get the job done...this was the only brand I saw fit to do exactly what I needed it to do. Don't get me wrong, definitely use other shampoos and conditioners, but as it pertains to twisting products...there is no other.
I've had locs for over a decade and have tried a slew of twisting products and none of them neither held my hair in place nor did so with little to no build up. My husband started me out with this brand (he has locs as well), beginning with the twisting butter. We'd tried other twisting products and they just produced flakes and what appeared to be dander. It wasn't until a few years in that we decided to branch out into the brand and test out the their other products, that's when we discovered the twisting gel and their shampoo.
I must say, when it comes to their twisting gel....I am one hundred percent turned! I almost can't go back to the twisting butter, I mean I will if I have to, and I have under emergency circumstances...but the gel has become a staple.
I've never experienced a gel that worked so well and gradually removed itself from my hair without leaving behind all the hideousness that typical gels do, plus it smells fantastic.
**The Problem:
Where I've lived for the passed few years of my life, the hair supply places carried a scarce stock of what I needed from this brand, and it seemed like every time I went in to re-up...I was the one who was buying up their stock and they weren't in any rush to replenish my shit...**SIDE EYE**. Luckily, at the time, I had several shops around me so I was able to rotate between them.
Fast forward a few years (which is essentially about a year+ back from this present moment...does this make sense...have I lost you?), I moved out of the "Hood" and into a more..."Suburby" type of neighborhood. I still had access to a shopping strip, but the supply shops catered to a different demographic....GREAT!
So now I was stuck with using some sub-par twisting ointment "wax"...OINTMENT "WAX" Y'ALL!!!! The reason I was stuck with this travesty they call a hair product was because the supply shop not only never had my tried and true LOCAFELLA, but (get this) they had no idea what the hell I was talking about! **REAL TEARS**
So I contacted LocAfella and I asked them if something was up with their brand, if they were going out of business, if they were being selective as to who they were distributing to....I don't know...something...anything...because at this point I was done with the shenanigans.
Now some of you may be thinking to yourself that I'm being dramatic, but you don't understand how finicky my hair is, what regimen I have it on, and how much I love and can't live without these twisting products. Until I can find something else that does what this does....I am hooked.
So as I was saying, I contacted them and to my surprise I was responded to almost immediately. I'd never experienced such customer service, a sense of urgency, or empathy from a brand/companay in my life. Before you knew it I was sharing my story with them as they in turn took note of what beauty supply location that was hurting me and the soul of my hair, he wanted to contact them to make sure they were putting in a new order so that I wouldn't have to deal with not being able to have my much needed hair supplies....who does that?!
But wait...there's more...
He took it to new levels and sent me a care package so that in the meantime me and my follicles wouldn't have to be without. He sent me a full on box of hair care....WHO DOES THAT?!!!!
I nearly shed a tear...seriously...because the act of kindness was ridiculous. I was also super excited to stop using that other BS (we'll just refer to it as "sub par wax"), and I was ecstatic to get the chance use some of their other products I've never gotten a chance to try from their line.
Here's a list of the products I received and will do an in depth review of in a video soon:
- Loc & Twist Gel
- Loc & Twist Butter
- Eucalyptus Anti-Itch Shampoo
- Moisturizing Conditioner
- Loc Drops (Anti-Itch & Scalp Conditioner)
- Reflection (Spray Sheen)
FTC: All Product were sent to me by LOCAFELLA. I was not compensated for this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.