by Jamila Pierre

This outfit pretty much combines everything I love...everything!

  • Pineapple Hair
  • Skulls
  • Blue-ish/ Grey-ish lippy
  • Polka dots
  • Mixing Prints
  • Bandannas 
  • Studs
  • Layering
  • Moto Jeans


skull print

It's funny how I don't go to school any more but I find ways to appear as though I might. I cant help but be drawn to the whole "Collegiate Chic" thing (or we could just call it layering a sweater on top of a button-front collared shirt), and as much as I love a good "adult appropriate" bag. I do love a good backpack, which believe it or not is hard to find. Trust me they're not all created equal, and finding the right one, that fits who you are and represents you as a person (at least for me) has been next to impossible. Needless to say, finding this one was a God send (additionally) so was finding these amazing moto jeans, because laaaawd knows I've been searching for the perfect pair for what seems like eons. 

As for this cute, hearts as eyes, skull (semi-cropped) sweatshirt....I just die. I came across it during one of those "I'm not gonna buy anything" window shopping trips (**side-eyes myself**). And honestly I wasn't going to buy a damn thing because I truly didn't have the duckets, but at just under $10.....I was willing to potentially miss a meal in the mall's food court. 

To make matters lean more in the favor of "You must get this RIGHT NOW!" (aside from it being in a print I just die for), it was the last one that actually came in an XL...I'll just let that sink in.

plus size bad ass

I got this baby home, threw it on, and did a dance around my kitchen as I contemplated what I was going to pair with it for my next outfit post. I threw open my closet door, dipped it low (while holding the door of course) and hurt myself while doing it (because lord knows how old and dusty I am, and how I swear I can do way more than I actually can...especially these days....due to my spine BS). In any event, while I was struggling to get back up from being dipped low, I made eye contact with my moto jeans and it all became outfit was born.

mixing prints plus size

Now lets take a moment to appreciate this damn Vindictive lippy from LASplash Cosmetics....

I just....I just love it so much!

Are you sick and tired of it yet...? I'm not, like I warned in previous posts, I will be wearing my pineapple hair and Vindictive lips to the point of nauseam this season....who are we kidding, I don't really do seasons like that. I'll just wear it til my my heart is captured by something else, but for's all about these two boos (don't get me wrong, I will rock other ISH, I'm just enamored with this as of right now).


What I'm Wearing:

  1. Bandanna from downtown Brooklyn. $2
  2. Sweater from H&M. $10
  3. Polka dot blouse from Target. $20
  4. Moro Jeans from Target. $34 (Gifted)
  5. Boots from $15 (on sale)
  6. Bag from Shoppers World. $12
  7. Bracelet & Necklace from Burlington Coat Factory. $7 & $14

Plus Size Militia.

by Jamila Pierre

Welcome to the first post of the year 2014!


New Year's Eve, and all days from two weeks prior leading up to the day most people look forward to, are filled with contemplations, reflections, and social media time-lines that may very well drive a person mad (due to the repetition).

Everyone and their mother wants to express their desire to change for the better in the new year and declare it as "Their Year".

Uh uh uh, before you mistaken my mini rant that is about to take place for "Hatertude", please take a moment to try and understand where I’m coming from.

Before I continue on let me be clear in saying; everyone is entitled to express themselves how they see fit, everyone is allowed to claim their life and declare their desire to change for the better in the new year...I just need for people to start living up to their potential.

This is very easy for anyone to say of course, I am no exception...I too need to get my ISH together; which is why I decided years ago that if I’m going to make a declaration of actual effort to change and improve...then I wouldn't be the person who hoards that improvement for the end of a year, only  to show the most minimal stick-to-itiveness possible after the first week following the New Year and reverting back to the same BS I wanted to believe so desperately I was going to change.

As far as I’m concerned, everyday is New Years and chance to be better.

Don't take another second for granted.


What I'm Wearing:

  1. Necklace from the wholesale district. $3.50
  2. Black long-sleeved shirt from $10
  3. Desert Chic Chiffon Backed Vest $32.80 (Got it on sale for half the price)
  4. Olive Snake Print Skinnies from $24.97 ( Got it for half price)
  5. Black Quilted Boots with Gold accents from $30( Got it on Sale, sold out)