Here Kitty Kitty.

by Jamila Pierre

Let me start off by saying that I do not celebrate most calender holidays, I only participate in them due to the importance of those holidays to my friends and family, and who can turn down an excuse to have a party. However, I do celebrate events (birthdays, anniversaries, etc...)

I'm not sure how that makes me sound....but yeah. 

Now on this occasion it just so happens that one of my bestest homies happened to get married on Halloween, this meant that whether I liked it or not I would have to get my party on for that day and possibly wear some type of make shift costume. 

I sound like such an Ebenezer Scrooge of Halloween, I should have dressed like him.

This year in particular not many people were invited; which is totally fine with me seeing as how I like intimate get togethers very much and her anniversary fell on a week day, forcing us to have this celebration two days after the fact, begging the question, "Do we really need to get into the spirit and dress up?"

I try to get into the spirit on account of her wanting people to, and not wanting to be the only one at the shindig lookin' straight normal. Plus she told me that she WAS going to paint a sugar skull onto her face, let's keep that bit of information in mind as I continue.  

I was also under the impression that the other chicas were going to dress up a little as well.......I was wrong.

Flash forward.... Not one BUMB BISSSHHHH did a damn thing to get into the spirit, so now here I am...the only one... "The Cheese Stands Alone".

I arrive downstairs knowing full well at this point that I was "The Cheese" and that I in-fact did "Stand Alone", and when they finally let me in, I was greeted by a bunch of makeshift cat faces. 

Needless to say I thought it was incredibly cute, funny, and sweet. 

"The Cheese" became "The Cheeses", which officially made us a Kitty Cat Mafia.


Meet The Family! 

Sir Bats-A-lot. (The Playful, Feisty Kitty That'll Snuggle With You One Minute And Comes Out Swinging Her Bat, Or Swipes At Your ankles With Her Knife The Next.)


Tommy Gun Beckit.  (The Bedroom Eyes Kitty, She Lures You Into a Dark Alley with Her Sassy Stares And Pumps You Full Of Lead. )


Mama Krysha. (The Strega Nona Mama Kitty, She Posses As An Old Cat All The While Plotting Her Attack On Her Oblivious Prey.)


Jessica The Mouth Piece. (The Innocent On The Outside, Not On The Inside Kitty. She Comes Off Quiet And Meek, But She'll Sink Her Teeth Into Your Flesh And Won't Let Go Until She's Takin' A Piece Of You With Her. 


A look at my outfit. (At this point I was a little bit inebriated)


What I'm Wearing: 

  1. Black bandanna from the 99 cents store. $.99
  2. Leopard print sweater from $24.80
  3. Black Skirt from $10.80
  4. Black leggings from Conway. $3
  5. Tall tan boots from $26
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Capricorn: The Knees

by Jamila Pierre

December 22nd - January 19th

Symbol: The Mountain Goat

Element: Earth

Ruling Planet: Saturn -- the planet of discipline and maturity

Body Part: Knees, skin, bones, teeth

Secret Wish: To have every need taken care of

 "Capricorn is symbolized by a mountain goat climbing up a rocky hill, taking one cautious step at a time. And that's exactly how patient Caps like to do everything. You'll skip the good stuff today if it means getting the reward tomorrow. That's why your sign has more trophies and loyal friends than any other--you stay strong through the hard times."

 - Astro Twins - 

Image from Google. 

Image from Google.



The overall fashion sense of Capricorns style is quite conservative, I decided that I wasn't gonna let Capricorns go out like that. Like I said in the disclaimer, these outfits are my interpretation of the style of any given Zodiac sign. While reading the synopsis of what you Caps wear, I knew right then that that wasn't gonna fly over, up, and through this post right here. I have no qualms about people being ultra conservative, it's just that... that couldn't be further from what I am. And When I envision a Capricorn I envision composure, classic silhouettes, and a little animal just waiting to burst out the seams. It's always the conservative ones that have the wildest animal in them just waiting to make their debut. 


Capricorn (2).jpg


When choosing this outfits color palette I thought about the element as opposed to the sign within itself. Most people think of browns, black, and creams when they think of the earth...I think of blues for the ocean, greens for the plant life, browns and nudes for the soil, pinks and reds and purples for the flowers, and yellows and oranges for the sun. I think of the the colors that embody the whole earth, not just the what lies deep with in the ground. So with that said, your welcome Capricorn, you now live in color.  


What I'm Wearing: 

  1. Button down shirt from $24.99
  2. Necklace from Burlington Coat Factory. $7
  3. Cardigan from $12.99
  4. Belt from $8.80
  5. Pants from $22.80
  6. Bag from $29.99
  7. Shoes from $29.99
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