by Jamila Pierre

If you’re going through hell, keep going.
— Winston Churchill

Glow baby, GLOW!

There's no shortage of people who will attempt to steal your shine. They will attempt and some will actually be successful, but I say FUCK em'. 

There's only so much you can do to please people and so much you can ask of people. And, no matter how much people try and tear you down or disrespect you, you've gotta make sure they get a healthy dose of the dust you leave them in.

You've gotta be true to you, you've gotta believe in you're own magic. No, I'm not trying to be motivational or hype you, I'm not really that kind of girl. What I am doing is letting you know the facts of the matter.

It's perfectly OK to let people in, but be wise. And it's perfectly OK to cut people off from your particular brand of awesome AF, because you are awesome. Everyone is the shit. Whether you know it or understand it, and whether someone just doesn't mix well with your brand of awesome AF is always to be discovered; once you figure it out....act accordingly. 

I know my worth, do you? Don't be afraid to charge people exactly what you're worth, if they can't afford it...it says nothing about you or your product. They can either save up for you, pay what you're asking, or move on to find someone they can afford. 

You just gotta keep glowing baybay, be the opulet being you are. 

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
— Winston Churchill

By no means do I think that you should be you in ways that deliberately hurt others, or that change and progression isn't good, but remember what it costs to conform when it really does no one any justice. Don't be selfish but don't be entirely selfless either.  

In the recent months (let alone weeks) I've reeeeeaaaally been coming face to face with all of these things. I'd like to think I'm quite self-aware, I also believe in regular self-reflection and check-ins, you gotta know (or get to know) you're weaknesses; why you get angry, what it all means, what you want out of life, how you plan to make it happen, when you're making mountains outta mole hills, when to let go, when to sink your claws and teeth deep down into it; your whole life will be a series of this. Work on perfecting it. No, there's no such thing as perfect but there's no reason you shouldn't strive and hone. 

As for my outfit, what could convey opulence more than this sequin white iridescent sorcery. There was nothing I wanted to pair it with more than my holo-sexellent kicks. Then I I realized that the only thing left to do was to add in the juxtaposition flare I should sincerely be know for by now. Soooooo...... in came my Rebel Wilson moto leggings and my Grave Digger skull bag from Killstar.

Nothing says hard and soft like skulls and sequins.

What I'm Wearing:

  1. Sunnies from Hottopic.com.$14.90 (2 for $10)
  2. Jacket from Charlotterusse.com. $20 (On Sale, no longer available, alternative HERE)
  3. Tank from Forever21.com. $14.90
  4. Moto leggings from the Rebel Wilson Collection for Torrid. $20 (On sale, no longer available)
  5. Sneakers from Charlotterusse.com. $15 (On sale, no longer available, alternative HEREHERE)
  6. Bag from Killstar.com. $45 (On sale)


by Jamila Pierre

Not you, but most all things crappy....unless you're crappy......are you crappy....? LOL! This post and this dress is for those who get me and for those who have a sense of humor, at the very least a care-free bone in their body. All others...I suggest you wait until my next post.

Let me preface this by assuring you that there are quite a few things to be happy about in life, at least for me, I am absolutely aware and acknowledge all of the privileges I have been afforded (no matter how big or small).....but this past week.....?! This past week has been an emotional roller coaster of shit logs being slung in my direction.

 I've done my best to cope with the pieces of turd that somehow still landed on me despite the old "college try", I still managed to get in the crosshairs...my Kung Fu was at about a level six out of ten this week....not nearly enough.

I barely made it out alive this week...but I am alive.

There's this misconception that things shouldn't phase you, that if you give in to the rage or "negativity"...you're somehow less evolved. I think not! For me personally, very little gets to me as far as how people perceive me, how I physically look,  etc..., I really don't care. But, there are still some lines out there that can be crossed and the cup of rage just runneth over. Guess what....? That's OK! Feel all of those feels.

The idea that you should be so elevated that you only see things as a "positive" (even though some things are just shitty...just plain old shitty, nothing more nothing less), it just doesn't sit well with me. I need to be able to see and except things for what they are, whatever they are, and that I have the space to explore ALL of said feels.

With that said, these past few months let alone this past week, has been craaaaaaaaazyyyyy. Not a fan. But hopefully I'll be able to push through yet again and find a way to live with the new changes heading my way.

On a brighter note, I find it to be amazing that there's clothing out there that can express your sentiments with such pinpoint accuracy. 

As some of you might know, I'm an ambassador for the brand CowCow, I honestly couldn't be more stoked and appreciative about it. It isn't every day you get to work with a company that you mesh with so well. I have a plethora of existing posts on the brand and how in love I am with them as a whole, much less for their actual products. 

They sent me this dress (which I selected myself), after I'd already bought its sister of course. When I saw that this awesome print came in black and white...I just had to cop it. The dress just screamed "Fifty Shades Of Fuck You". And guess what?! They have it in a bunch of other colors too. I just might get one for every day of the week, especially because this print is my #ForeverMood. It perfectly reflects my response to the shit that people need to miss me with. Can you tell that this week has been trying...? LMFAO! I can somewhat laugh about it now because life is real funny sometimes.

What I'm Wearing:

  1. Sunnies from Joyce Leslie. $5
  2. Necklace from AFAZE. (On Sale 3 for 10)
  3. Leatherette Bomber from Forever21. $19.90 (Alternative HERE)
  4. Dress from COWCOW, via Amazon.com. (Sent for review)
  5. Belt from a friend because mine fell apart. 
  6. Shoes from Mandee. $15 (Similar HERE)