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Society has done superbly at disillusioning people into thinking that health and beauty have a set standard (calculation, and/or formula), that it's as if it were hard-coded into the DNA of the masses, what I'd like to call, "sheep"...yes..sheep. "Sheep" are what I deem to be the people void of rationale, the people who follow the crowd blindly, the people whose formed opinion isn't organic and that of another, the people who are misinformed and though they've been presented with hard facts, they refuse to believe anything else other than what they've been programmed to think and believe.
Now one can go and say that in essence I could be one and the same with the "sheep", as are all others who are about to agree with this article right here...honestly, that's fine. However, I do hope that you leave this article, at the very least, questioning the prefabricated reality, that is your life.
So what brought us here today? Well, for starters, these thoughts are ones I've been meaning to share for quite some time, also, just recently I came across yet another disturbing example of what's wrong with the human race and our inability to just focus or negativity on ourselves (if we wish to focus it anywhere), rather than impose it upon everyone around us. The happening that took place recently is none other, than the Asos/ Gabi (of, ridiculousness. On May 26th, 2014, Asos posted a photo of Gabi wearing garments from their Asos Curve collection. In my opinion, and in the opinion of thousands of others, Gabi rocked the hell out of her outfit and was reckless with her fabulosity.
Unfortunately, for the thousand who were cheering her on for being fabulous and appreciating her style, there were probably just as many nay-sayers. The brigade of unintelligible "Sheep" came just in time to rain on the parade that was just suppose to be about style, and turned it into a shit show about health.
Oh great, here we go again....
It never ceases to amaze me how people are such blind and willing believe that the world is flat, to believe that everything is so black and white, to misread the intentions of style bloggers who just so happens to be on the heavier side. It kills me how these very same people waving the "you're fat so you must be unhealthy", and the, " your'e fat so you're unattractive", flag....are probably the same ones that have shotty health records themselves, and more than a few broken mirrors in their house.
Now, obviously this is a generalized statement, I am not nearly as arrogant as most of these critics, to think that I could surmise everyone's motives or the quality of their health just by looking at them, just by pulling shit out of thin air.
As cut and dry as science & medicine will have you believe it is, it really isn't, this is where the differential diagnosis comes into play,
A person can have a slew of symptoms and the actual ailment could be anything under the sun. Science is about questioning, and a quest to facts and a truth. Without the basic essentials like: a variable, the courage to challenge what's "fact", and the understanding that not everything is what it seems...that what composes a persons reality is relative, subjective, and nowhere near as definitive as we'd like to think..we would never make progress as a species.
To be honest I question how so many close minded and ignorant people, managed this far in the game, what ever happened to the strongest survive?
Strength is more than just physicality, it's all inclusive, it's mind body and soul, it lies within your ability to discern what works and is true for your own existence on this planet, and helps you to survive another it begs the do some of the close-minded get on?
Ok, Ok, I'll admit, i'm taking advantage of this moment to insult the very people who can't help but insult those who don't fit in the status quot. I am essentially wearing the karma hat and trying to serve it "hot and ready", but I'll stop.
I just don't understand why people don't open their minds and hearts more, as opposed to their mouths to spew hatred all over the place...
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If you leave here with nothing else, leave hear with this:
- Beauty is not contingent on ones status, size, or wealth. Unfortunately, though some of those things float the boat of what seems like many, and can help sway someones misguided perception to lean towards those who posses such things (or the standard of such things), these things are transient and mean nothing...they define nothing.
- Health is not contingent on ones size. Despite what's popularly noted, the curvy, the fat, the chunky, the BBW, and the clinically obese, have the same likelihood of being healthy as the slim, the skinny, the "fit", the clinically normal weight-classed, have of being unhealthy. Some people just have good genetics though they're heavy, and some people have bad genetics though they are thin. These are facts.
Let's take me for example, I'm 300 LBS of pure unadulterated fabulousness, recently I went to the doctors to find out why I have migraines, what I didn't know (and wasn't ready for) was that every doctor I consulted with, took one look at me and made a snap judgement as to what was wrong. Every single doctor suggested that I (or rather tried to persuade me to) get the Lap Band. They were all concerned about my health because of my weight. I do not fault them, I'd be a liar and a fool if I tried to convince you that their suspicions weren't warranted. I get it, being overweight can cause health problems, but DO NOT be deluded, so can being chronically thin. That's not what bothered me though, what bothered me is that no tests were run prior to this suggestion, that they assumed the results of what ever test they ran would come up critical.
So with each specialist I got the work up, and you know what result came back....? NORMAL. All the numbers were within the standard of good health. My cholesterol, blood-pressure, blood-sugar, kidney function, oxygen, and EKG results were better than standard, so much so that each doctor was shocked that their prejudice wasn't founded. All they could say for lack of anything else, was to just watch my weight. This is something I've heard for so many years of my life, and like always, I made some changes to my diet, remained my fat self, and came out with beautiful numbers.
Lets take my husband, he is in impeccable shape, an athlete, has such little body fat and is well defined and toned, eats healthy, and he has the stamina of a thousand men....but....his family history is riddled with poor health. He has a heart murmur, and for a brief moment last year we thought his heart was in danger. Here I was, the fat healthy wife worried about her physically fit husband with a faulty ticker. This is a prime example of nothing being what it seems.
Why is it so difficult to open yourselves up to understanding the complexities of what makes up our individual genes, and essentially shapes our health. It's 2014, with all the resources out there, there should be no reason why people aren't in the know.
Now let's address yet another form of thinking, we've discussed why one should reevaluate their perceptions about health, but let's talk about fashion and style.
Let's say you think Gabi is this "FAT MONSTER", what the hell....did ya hear me....I said WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH HER OUTFIT???!!!!!
So let me get this straight...should she be naked? Oh no wouldn't want that right? Or should she be "Baby in the corner"...but no one puts Baby in the corner. Oh, I get it, maybe she shouldn't be viewed as a person with style, not a big girl, not a skinny girl, not a anything but a person with style...OH, OK, I get it now.
When did the standard of common sense, and the ability to posses an ounce of tact, become so low?
People out here will have you believe that if you don't fit this man-made mold of what's good looking, then you shouldn't flaunt your confidence. They'll have you believe that because you refuse to care about their standards that you're promoting an unhealthy lifestyle.
Newsflash: Health is more than a size, how can you leave out the other health essentials; mental health and spiritual health?
By that definition alone one should surmise that the negative Nancy's are the unhealthy ones and their tangents are condoning an unhealthy lifestyle, and that the person who comes out of the cocoon labelled "Too fat to be good enough", like the beautiful confident butterfly that they are, is in fact condoning a far healthier lifestyle than any nay-sayer ever could.
Who's unhealthy now?
Listen, I just so happen to be one of the lucky ones. I don't put much stock in peoples negative views about my appearance, I'm sure neither does GabiFresh, or any of the other weight-scrutinized bloggers out there; my concern is for those who aren't as un-bothered as we are. I fight for those who have thinner skin, I fight for the persons (because this isn't a gender specific struggle) who bare witness to these comments, look at themselves (at the body they already compare to Gabi or any one else, as inferior), and are thinking "Great, if people think that she's unappealing, or unworthy...what does that make me?" I fight for them, WE fight for them.
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People need to understand that this fight is not about who looks better, not about the promotion of an unhealthy lifestyle, it's about acceptance. It's about accepting you at any size and juncture in your life. This is not to say that if you want to improve upon yourself that you shouldn't, it's to say that you should love yourself despite the voices procured by society that plays on repeat in your head. Love yourself through and through, love yourself through every stage of your journey, all the way to your own personal health and well-being. The journey is yours and no one can dictate to you how your journey should unfold.