by Jamila Pierre

Ms. Kelly Brown, from the blog, decided to hold a Shop and Swap at the Old Bowery Station, just off Delaney street, in NYC.

It had to be on a day that the weather was treacherous, but it didn't matter cause I was there like swimwear. I couldn't give up the chance to meet the lovely ladies of such reputation and shop their closets.   

The venue was nice, the open bar was a bonus, and they had everyone enter a few raffles, can somebody say PRIZES?!?!

I also met a few cool people in the process of scavenger hunting through the bins.

I ended up buying: 2 tops, 1 pair of pants, a necklace, and an over-sized envelope clutch, for the wonderful price of $40. Now that's a steal.  

Below are some of the images I captured of the event, wish I could've caught more, but the weather was just too much and I had to head home. 


Her are a few links to some of those who were in attendance:

Simply Be and MYNT1792 were also in attendance, and holding raffles/contests as well.  Bellow are three of the many pieces from MYNT1792 that will be available in the fall of this year.

I entered their raffle and If I win then I get to choose which ever piece my heart desires.

I'm gunning for the brown jacket, it screams my name. 

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