by Jamila Pierre

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Lately it seems as though life is hurling so many lemons in my direction, I've had no choice but to try my hand at a lemonade stand....shiiiiit, I might just have a corporation on my hands, a conglomerate if you will.

I've been sick, REAL sick, and with so many things on the agenda, on the got dang itinerary, I'm left, more often than not, feeling like a big fat failure. Moments turn into minutes, which turns into hours, which turns into days, etc...and before you know it, weeks have passed me by with a to-do list miles long.

I'm in no control over what's happening, and I feel like Lucille Ball when she was working for that chocolate shop and all the bon bons just came full speed ahead into a sweet treat pile-up....except ain't nothin' sweet over here. I've had to come up with creative ways to "posi-spin" all the BS, how else does one survive? Now if I could just get enough good health hours to conquer all the other 1.5 billion tasks I've left behind, plus the 2.5 billion ahead.


I finally got my head above water long enough to edit a set or too of images, AND to share some thoughts here on Le Blog, thank the powers that be. So you know I had to come thru with the HEAT.

What better way to ring in a summer's night with this outfit rightchea?


I don't want to beat dead horses, so i'll spare you why I absolutely live, breathe, and die for this dress.....

The jacket is seriously one of MOST perf toppers in my entire collection (which is saying a lot, and if you saw my collection...you'd understand), it's sturdy and thick enough to keep me fairly warm when the temps drop a bit...but, it still manages to not only be breathable, but thin enough to not make me sweat my entire life away if the sun happens to be following me around while I frolic all the live long day.


As sassy and fuego AF as I felt in this fit, it was still casual enough to toss on some kicks, and because I ain't no regular degular, I haaaaaaad to throw on my gold brogue styled sneakers, with the pointed toe.

And in the case of the chicken or the egg, I really don't remember or know who came first, the bag or the sunnies; either way, it couldn't have been a better finishing touch.


What I'm Wearing:

  1. Sunnies from a street vendor at 14th street Union Sq.. $5 (Same ones HERE)

  2. Jacket from Boohoo.com. $34 (On sale, not longer avail., alternative HERE)

  3. Dress from Boohoo.com. $ (No longer avail, alternative HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE)

  4. Shoes from Charlotterusse.com. $10 (On sale, alternative HERE,HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE)

  5. Bag from Targets dollar spot. $5 (found another like it at Macy's backstage store, which I also bought, and I found it on Amazon.com)