Neon, Skulls, & Motorcycle Dreams.

by Jamila Pierre

Not so long ago I was swooning over this tank by Ironfist, mostly because the "Loose Tooth" collection is my absolute fave and Boss as all F's. I've seriously worn this Luvah like one million time since I've gotten it for the low low price of $16, off of (on sale), best decision EVAR by the way.

I paired it with my (worn to death) moto-jeans & moto-boots, because they are literally my life source....especially when I'm just looking to effortlessly FLEX on these BISHES

LOL, I kid, I kid, I joke with you...but no really...the flex is effortless when I have these two by my side.

Admittedly the best part about the boots, aside from pure/obvious badassery...and how they've molded to my ootas (AKA my feet), so well that they might as well be my oots, they have this most amazing click clack as I make entrances and pave paths. Needless to say (even though I have said a mouthful) these boots were not only made for walking....but they were made for me, I just wish I could find them again so I could buy hundreds more.

And because I have a not so secret love affairs with color (the mixing of common and not so common combinations, and just the addition of a color to break up whatever scale the look is leaning towards), I decided to up the ante with a SUPER POP by tossing on this neon blazer.

Threw on a few statement jewels and my trusty shades, and called it Le Day.

What I'm Wearing:

  1. Sunnies from Joyce Leslie. $5 (On Sale)
  2. Faux Septum ring from $3.90 (Similar HERE)
  3. Blazer from Torrid. $19.99 (On Sale)
  4. Necklace from AFAZE. (3 for $10 sale)
  5. Tank from $16.99 (On Sale Now, they also have it in female sizes)
  6. Bracelet from Burlington Coat Factory. $7
  7. Jeans from $34 (Gifted)
  8. Boots from $15 (On sale from $45)