by Jamila Pierre

Fall is undoubtedly my favorite season. I don’t think this is news about me nor do I think it isn’t a shared sentiment by most of my readers. The weather is top tier, the fashion is superior, and the colors that saturated the market are EVERYTHANG!

Quick question, is there a state or country I can move to that is perpetually fall? Cuz a bitch like me has no use for anything else. I think I’m just salty about the heat and humidity of the Summer and we’re just on the tail end of the (in my opinion) worst season known to man so I’m being petty….but no seriously, I need to move.

Most people complain about their S.A.D when it begins to get gloomy outside and for me the opposite is true for me; my S.A.D only becomes active when we approach the summer time. Maybe it has to do with me having PCOS and having to deal with all of the “pre-menopausal” symptoms. The hot flashes, the night sweats, the general discomfort (just to name a few)…who knows.

In any event, I’m a happy gyal now that my season has officially arrived. Mind you (due to the global Panini we’re dealing with) I have no real plans to do anything special out in the world. But I’m joyous none the less. And even though I’ve become a full fledged hermit (TBH nothing has changed…I’ve been this way for eons), I still plan to give y’all some seasonal inspo.

This entire outfit isn’t hard to put together but when you choose pieces like this and slap them together, the end result gives what needed to be given; hashtag Fall Realness.

Cowcow gifted me this stunning backpack with this luxe tiger-in the jungle-ready to pounce-print and I pulled colors from the bag. The bag is well made, has a zip AND a magnetic closure, a snap closure on each side for extra security, a hidden zip-pocket on the back for you important things (I.D, credit cards, keys, phone, etc…), and the straps are long enough to fit my wider back. The bag itself isn’t incredibly large, but it is sizeable none the less and can hold your basic everyday items. I LOVE this bag! It is a bit pricy for me, but I can understand why. The print was created by one of the venders on the site and if you’re not shopping through CowCow’s amazon shop, the price tends to go up a bit. The caveat is that you can customize your pieces, and for a creative like me who values authenticity in style presentation and “originality”/ overall “uniqueness” in style choice, being able to create something amazing from scratch is almost a priceless bonus.

It’s up to you as to what you deem worth the extra coin. Choose what works for you best. If you’re not pressed about customization and you want to save a few buckaroos, shop their Amzon’s store.

What I’m Wearing:

  1. Hat from JCP. $ (Old)

  2. Necklace from the wholesale district. $7.99

  3. Top from Famous Brands. $8

  4. Khaki vest from Charlotterusse.com. $11.99 (Sale)

  5. Moto pants from Rainbow. $19.99 (Old)

  6. Boots from UrbanOG.com. $ (Old)

  7. Bag from CowCow.com $41.99