Polka Dotted Sweetheart.

by Jamila Pierre

So remember two posts ago when I made mention to the free dresses I acquired at the 2014 Shop & Swap.....? Well this is the other dress.

When I was thumbing through the racks SimplyBe had set up at the event, I came across this beaut right here. Again, I knew immediately that it would fit stupendously.

For what you'd typically consider to be a "Bodycon", this dress is cut in a way that sits upon your curves instead of restricting airflow. I'm here for it. Now this may be due to it being just a smidge bigger than my actual size, but either way it fits amazingly and allows me to show off my shape without making me feel like I can't even sit down without looking like stuffed sausage.

I'm in love with the sweatheart bodice and the spotted mesh, the design makes it easy to be demure while showing a little skin.


This dress is one miiiiiiiillion dollars over my budget, so to be honest here....I probably would've never bought this dress, but I know that my budget may not be the same as someone else, regardless his dress is beautious none the less.

I paired it with my statement "pearl" necklace and these delectable glitter kitten heels from Zara (Circa 3-4 yrs ago). I fancy this look because it's simple yet far from plain.


What I'm Wearing:

  1. Necklace from the wholesale district. $5
  2. Dress from Simplybe. $165 (Free dollars at the Shop & Swap)
  3. Kitten Heels from Zara.com. $50 (Birthday gift many moons ago from the Hubby)

AX Paris

by Jamila Pierre

Finally I am getting a post up after what seems like one million years. Lately I've been quite ill, in pain, and haven't had the erg to post a damn thing, but at last...we are here.

I'd gotten this dress for free from the last Shop & Swap I went to back in June, all I had to do was take a picture and post it to the Gram to be able to take this bad boy home....and that's precisely what I did. The event was cute, there was a photo-booth, prizes-a-plenty, I made a few purchases, and I was able to take home this stunning SimplyBe dress. 

The dress is VERY well made and fits phenomenally...but...it is quite expensive. It's definitely something I would just fawn over and probably never have purchased on my own (Just being honest), however, I'm so happy that I was afforded the opportunity to acquire such a piece.


When deciding to pair this piece with shoes and accessories, I almost found myself trying to go basic, trying to tone it down.....but I couldn't resist the erg to throw in a splash of color and a bold statement piece of a necklace. I kept the arm candy at a minimum, that was the only attempt at being somewhat subdued that I was able to accomplish....what can I say....everything has to pack a punch.


What I'm Wearing:

  1. Obnoxiously over-sized chain necklace from AFAZE. (on sale 3 for $10)
  2. AX Paris Bodycon dress from SimplyBe. $89.95 
  3. Bracelet from the wholesale district. $6
  4. Kitten Heels from NineWest.com. $29.99